Chewable Triangular Baby Teether Rattle Toy

1. It can help the baby pass through the sensitive period of the oral cavity and relieve the pain of the teeth.
2. In addition to being used as a gutta-percha or a teeth grinder, it can also be used as a hand to catch a ball to exercise the baby's hands-on ability and promote intellectual development!
3. It is bright in color, the ball in the middle is shaken, there is a sound, not only can be used as a teether, but also can be shaken to attract the baby's attention and practice the baby's hearing.
4. For babies who have just started using gutta-percha, this one is more suitable. The baby's hand strength is small. This one is easier to grasp and light. The baby can grab the ball with both hands and chew it, and can also play with the left and right hands.
5. Its material is safe, it is a food-safe silicone material that can be chewed by mouth, which satisfies the baby's habit of chewing things during the oral period, and relieves the swollen and painful gums during the teething period.
6. It is also a toy that can practice grasping and promote vision development.

Wir bieten Ihnen eine 30-tägige Rückgabegarantie für unser Produkt.

Unsere Produkte sind frei von Chemikalien und sicher für die empfindliche Haut von Babys. Unser Unternehmen hat viele Produkte recherchiert und getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Produkte sicher für unsere Kleinen sind. Und wir sind Produkte auf pflanzlicher Basis und frei von Chemikalien, sodass sie die empfindliche Haut des Babys nicht angreifen. Für Beißringe, das heißt aus Silikon, BPA-frei und sicher für Babys. Sie sind völlig ungiftig und helfen Babys effektiv.


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